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Individual offerings are available both in-person and on-line. We provide customized programs that include individual offerings, offsite training seminars, speaking engagements, and custom tailored packages. Any individual offering can be adjusted and new programs developed to accommodate specific areas of interest and preferences.


Enrich, Enliven, and Deepen Clinical Interactions


Uncovering, Revealing, and Re-orienting Relationships to the Dark Side


A Portal to the Unconscious Realm



The Power of Fairy-tales, Myths, Legends, and Story-telling


Exploration of 8 Functions and the corresponding Archetypal Positions


Embodied Practices to Explore and Establish Healthy Boundaries


Group Processing to Mitigate Professional Burnout


Understanding the Forces that Drive Thought, Behavior, and Emotions


Moving Beyond Nine Layers of Illusion towards Wholeness


An Introduction to Depth Psychology 

Bringing more Depth to the Clinical Setting  



Depth psychological perspectives will be introduced and pragmatic techniques explored in order to bring more depth to the clinical setting. This course will facilitate more productive and engaging encounters bringing fresh and creative tools to the clinical process. Both through the art of inquiry and a depth psychological frame of reference, this course will promote revealing psychological material that might be neglected, ignored or otherwise overlooked. Creative Depth shifts the focus from goals and objectives to meaning and purpose bringing more soul and interest to the therapeutic process for both the clinician and patient alike.



  • What is Depth Psychology?

  • A Jungian Map of the Psyche

  • A New Perspective on Symptom and Suffering

  • The Art of Inquiry

  • Techniques for Digging Deeper

A Depth Psychology Approach to CBT  

Revealing Unconscious Beliefs and Hidden Values



Depth psychology offers a wider lens to view unconscious beliefs, implicit assumptions, and unidentified habitual patterns. This program will explore and formulate connections to hidden values, outdated narratives and distorted schemas. Inner states of being will be introduced and CBT techniques explored using the three centers rather than the intellect alone. The three centers include the Instinctual-Motor, Emotional, and Intellectual which, when working collaboratively, expose root values and motivations that are responsible for cognitive distortions. New techniques will be demonstrated that provide clinicians greater insight and understanding of unhelpful habitual patterns and additional tools for changing perspectives will be introduced.



  • Habitual Patterns of Relating

  • Inner States of Being versus Feelings Wheel

  • The Three Centers

  • The Power of Suggestion

  • New Techniques for Debunking Old Narratives and Distorted Schemas

Dreams and The Inner Landscape  

A Direct Portal to the Unconscious



Dreams provide a direct portal into the unconscious realm and offer a deeply intimate and unique view into the psyche. Dream material offers a richer and more deeply personal method of exploration in the clinical setting. This program will explore the value of dream material and how to work with the symbolic language of dreams. Participants will learn how to navigate dream material and explore the deeper meanings that this archetypal landscape is trying to convey. Clinicians will explore dream material and learn to uncover and decode the intelligence and innate healing powers of the dream.



  • Why Work with Dreams?

  • Dream Recall

  • Exploration of Symbolic Material

  • Navigating Dream Material

  • Experiential Practice with Dream Work

Creative Techniques for Discovering Unconscious Material

Enrich, Enliven, and Deepen Clinical Interactions 



The unconscious realm is a storehouse of invaluable material that when accessed provides innate wisdom and a source of healing in the therapeutic process. Creative techniques to tap into the unconscious will be introduced, demonstrated and explored. These techniques can be utilized to enrich, enliven, and deepen the interaction between clinician and patient. Specific techniques will include collage, art inquiry, and active imagination. These techniques will be utilized to demonstrate ways to gain access to unconscious material providing deeper insights and inspiration in the therapy room.



  • Benefits of Opening a Portal to the Unconscious Realm

  • Techniques to Bridge the Conscious and Unconscious

  • Demonstration of Creative Techniques

  • Exploration and Experimentation with Creative Activities

  • Processing the Meaning of the Creative Work

Encounters with the Shadow

Uncovering, Revealing and Re-orienting Relationships to the Dark Side



The shadow is frequently misunderstood because it is often considered distasteful, unacceptable and, at times, completely rejected. Consequently, encountering shadow material in the therapeutic setting is often unmooring, uncomfortable and disconcerting for both the clinician and patient alike. However, honoring and valuing the shadow is imperative to effectively work with unconscious material that emerges in the therapeutic setting. This program will explore how shadow material can be effectively utilized to integrate valuable parts of the personality that may otherwise remain trapped and/or ignored. Effective techniques will be introduced to demonstrate shadow work and participants will engage in experiential exercises that will illustrate and elucidate the benefits of shadow work.



  • What is the Shadow?

  • Forces that Design and Shape Shadow Material

  • How to Recognize Shadow Material

  • Owning you Own Shadow

  • Shadow Projection and the Role of Abjection

  • Clinical Applications and Benefits of Shadow Work

A Jungian Perspective of the Psyche 

A Portal to the Unconscious Realm



Significant concepts from Jungian Psychology, including the Self, Archetypes, Complexes and Synchronicity will be examined. Jung's Model of the Psyche will be discussed in relation to the set of 78 cards which comprise the Tarot. The suits of the minor arcana (cups, wands, swords, and pentacles) will be compared to Jung's typological categories. An exploration of the personal and collective unconscious will be discussed and connections to symbolic material, universal principles and archetypal sources will be referenced. This course will provide key depth psychological aspects that support the clinician's ability to identify and better understand personal complexes and archetypal structures within themselves. In addition, this information will deepen insight into the clinician's own psychological material that, when remaining unconscious, can detrimentally impact the therapeutic relationship.



  • Jungian Terms and Depth Psychological Concepts

  • Jung's Model of the Psyche

  • Basic Typology

  • Complexes, Archetypes and Universal Principles

  • Importance of 'Knowing Thyself'

An Indirect Approach to Healing

The Power of Fairy-Tales, Myths, Legends and Story-Telling



Universal stories have the power to transform because these teachings have metaphorical messages encapsulated within them that transcend age, race, culture and time. This universality allows patients of all backgrounds to identify with the story and make connections to the drama unfolding in their own daily lives. Because stories work indirectly, they represent a non-threatening way to challenge existing belief systems that would otherwise be rejected by the patient's defense mechanisms. This program aims to connect personal problems to mythic encounters. It will also demonstrate options for dealing with suffering and challenges by using stories to provide understanding and resolutions that may not otherwise be considered. In addition, the concept of the 'Shock Factor' will be introduced in order to effectively disorient the psyche. The use of stories in the clinical setting will be demonstrated, and participants will experience implementation of these stories in relation to specific case examples. Additionally, participants will explore a mythic story in depth to facilitate a lived-experience of this process.



  • Understanding the Power of Fairy-Tales, Myths, Legends and Story-Telling

  • Why and How and Indirect Approach Works

  • How and When to Tell a Story

  • The Value of the 'Shock Factor'

  • Connecting Case Examples with Mythic Tales

  •  A Lived-Experience and In-Depth Exploration

A Deeper Dive into Typology

An Exploration of the 8 Functions and the corresponding Archetypal Positions



The purpose of using typological preference is not to place human beings into specific categories, but rather to understand the underlying dynamics with the patient. Psychological types and the varying degrees of preference level are useful concepts in clinical work because they provide a portal into the way individuals navigate the world. A deeper exploration of the Myers Briggs Basic 4-Function Model will be expanded to include the additional 4-Inferior Functions. In this course participants will not only learn their individual typological make-up, but they will also come to understand the implications of the very specific and highly individualized ratio between the superior and inferior functions. Psychological types will be mapped to corresponding archetypal forces in order to gain insight and understanding of the deeper dynamics at play within the patient and how these forces may be impacting their interpersonal relationships.



  • Myers Briggs 4-Function Model

  • What's Missing and what needs to be Developed: The Inferior Functions

  • Myers Briggs Assessment

  • Understanding the Interaction of Psychological Preferences

  • Introduction to the Model of Archetypal Positioning for Psychological Types

  • Exploration of Dynamic Interplay between Psychological Types

A Somatic Approach to Boundary Work

Embodied Practices to Explore and Establish Healthy Boundaries



Healthy boundaries are fundamental to effective clinical work. However, the implementation of appropriate boundaries must be individually crafted and requires adjustments based upon the dynamic interplay between therapist and patient. This program will explore a somatic approach to boundaries to uncover what boundaries look like, how they are perceived, and how they are maintained from the perspective of the patient and clinician. This embodied approach will reveal deep psychological material providing greater understanding of critical self-concepts such as autonomy and identity. Using a somatic approach participants will engage in an experiential exercise to demonstrate the power of embodied practices in the therapeutic setting.



  • What Does a Boundary Look Like to You?

  • The Value of a Deeper Exploration of Boundaries in the Clinical Setting

  • Dynamic Interplay between Therapist and Patient

  • Critical Self Concepts: Autonomy and Identity

  • Introduction to Somatic Approaches

  • A Somatic Approach to Boundary Work: Experiential Exercise

  • Reflection and Processing

Shouldering Archetypal Burdens

Group Processing to Mitigate Professional Burnout



Professional Burnout is often discussed from an individual perspective, yet rarely is there discussion, awareness or treatment that addresses the more profound archetypal weight of clinical work. This program will address the depth psychological effects of projection, abjection and archetypal forces such as the devouring mother that manifest in the therapeutic container. Group Processing will afford clinicians the opportunity to share, explore and analyze the surprising, unusual, perplexing or otherwise unexplained interactions that occur in the clinical setting. Participants will gain a clearer understanding of the deeper psychological effects of clinical work. In addition, amelioration techniques and rejuvenation planning will be explored and demonstrated.



  • The Process of Professional Burnout

  • Uncovering the Gravitas and Impact of Clinical Work

  • Projection of Gold and Shadow

  • Abjection

  • Signs and Symptoms: Beneath the Surface

  • Group Processing: Experiential Exercise

  • Amelioration Techniques and Rejuvenation Planning

The Power of Suggestion

Understanding the Forces that Drive Thought, Behavior, and Emotions



Suggestion is a powerful force that controls inner narratives, dictates perception, and colors reality. In this module, you will learn the mechanisms behind how suggestion works. In addition, you will gain greater understanding and tools to assist releasing the powerful hold suggestions have over thought, behavior and emotions. The relationship between the power of suggestion and inner states of being will be discussed and creative methods to elevate inner moods and re-evaluate perceptions will be explored.



  • Inner Workings of Suggestions

  • The Four Forces

  • Deeper Exploration of Inner States of Being

  • Creative Methods to Effect Change

  • Wielding the Power of Suggestion in the Clinical Setting: Experiential Exercise

The Enneagram and Depth Psychology 

Moving Beyond Nine Layers of Illusion towards Wholeness



The Enneagram is frequently taught as a method to identify and explore personality types. However, this way of working with the Enneagram often further reinforces the identification with singular ways of being. Rather than solely focusing on key traits of specific Enneagram types, this module will interpret the Enneagram through a depth psychological lens. This program will explore why a specific Enneagram type may have been adopted in the first place and what it might be covering up such as perceived weaknesses, fears, and deficiencies. Understanding the Enneagram from this deeper level will support moving beyond its nine layers of illusion towards the pursuit of wholeness.



  • Discovering your Individual Makeup using the Enneagram

  • Understanding the Nine Enneagram Types

  • Identifying Habitual Patterns, Core Schemas, and Defense Mechanisms

  • Application of Enneagram Concepts in the Clinical Setting

Jungian Pespective
Indirect Approach
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